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was issued

  • 1 הונפק לציבור

    was offered for sale, was issued

    Hebrew-English dictionary > הונפק לציבור

  • 2 homicidio sin premeditación

    (n.) = manslaughter, manslaughter
    Ex. A ban was issued on the publication of information about the trial for manslaughter of Karla Homolka in order to ensure her estranged husband Paul Teale gets a fair trial.
    Ex. A ban was issued on the publication of information about the trial for manslaughter of Karla Homolka in order to ensure her estranged husband Paul Teale gets a fair trial.
    * * *
    (n.) = manslaughter, manslaughter

    Ex: A ban was issued on the publication of information about the trial for manslaughter of Karla Homolka in order to ensure her estranged husband Paul Teale gets a fair trial.

    Ex: A ban was issued on the publication of information about the trial for manslaughter of Karla Homolka in order to ensure her estranged husband Paul Teale gets a fair trial.

    Spanish-English dictionary > homicidio sin premeditación

  • 3 expedir

    1 to send, to dispatch (carta, pedido).
    Ricardo expide los documentos Richard sends the documents.
    2 to issue, to provide.
    María expide los permisos Mary issues the permits.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ SERVIR], like link=servir servir
    1 (mercancías) to send, dispatch, ship; (correo) to send, dispatch
    2 (pasaporte, título) to issue
    3 (contrato, documento) to draw up
    * * *
    VT [+ mercancías] to send, ship off; [+ documento] to draw up; [+ orden, billete] to issue; [+ negocio] to deal with, dispatch
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( emitir) to issue
    2) (frml) ( enviar) < telegrama> to send; <paquete/mercancías> to dispatch, send
    expedirse v pron (RPl frml): he did not want to express an opinion

    aún no se han expedido sobre... — they have not yet announced their decision as to...

    * * *
    = forward, ship, ship off.
    Ex. It also stores any messages which it cannot forward because the receiving terminal is busy or which can be sent at off-peak times.
    Ex. According to librarians, vendors aren't shipping books fast enough.
    Ex. Sex was taboo, premarital sex was not accepted and if a girl found herself 'in the family way' many times she was shipped off to live with relatives.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( emitir) to issue
    2) (frml) ( enviar) < telegrama> to send; <paquete/mercancías> to dispatch, send
    expedirse v pron (RPl frml): he did not want to express an opinion

    aún no se han expedido sobre... — they have not yet announced their decision as to...

    * * *
    = forward, ship, ship off.

    Ex: It also stores any messages which it cannot forward because the receiving terminal is busy or which can be sent at off-peak times.

    Ex: According to librarians, vendors aren't shipping books fast enough.
    Ex: Sex was taboo, premarital sex was not accepted and if a girl found herself 'in the family way' many times she was shipped off to live with relatives.

    * * *
    A ( Adm) (emitir) to issue
    expedido en Temuco, con fecha 5.5.1991 issued in Temuco on 5.5.1991
    el cajero automático expide el recibo de cada operación the autoteller ( AmE) o ( BrE) cash dispenser provides a record of each transaction
    B ( frml) (enviar) ‹telegrama› to send; ‹paquete/mercancías› to dispatch, send, to issue
    ( RPl): no quiso expedirse al respecto he did not want to express an opinion on the matter
    aún no se han expedido sobre … they have not yet announced their decision as to …
    * * *


    expedir ( conjugate expedir) verbo transitivopasaporte/visa to issue
    expedir verbo transitivo
    1 (un documento) to issue
    2 (enviar) to send, dispatch
    ' expedir' also found in these entries:
    - issue
    * * *
    1. [carta, pedido, mercancías] to send, to dispatch
    2. [pasaporte, certificado, decreto] to issue;
    [contrato, documento] to draw up;
    le fue expedido un visado she was issued with a visa
    * * *
    1 documento issue
    2 mercancías send, dispatch
    * * *
    expedir {54} vt
    1) emitir: to issue
    2) despachar: to dispatch, to send
    * * *
    1. (carta, etc) to send [pt. & pp. sent]
    2. (documento) to issue

    Spanish-English dictionary > expedir

  • 4 fas|ować1

    impf vt Wojsk. (wydawać) to issue; (pobierać) to be issued (with)
    - fasować broń/żywność z magazynu to issue/be issued weapons/food from the stores
    - żołnierzom fasowano bieliznę underwear was issued to the soldiers, the soldiers were issued (with) underwear ⇒ wyfasować

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > fas|ować1

  • 5 קלווסין

    קְלִוְוסִין, קְלִוְוסִיס, קִילִ׳f. (κέλευσις) command. Y.Ned.IX, end, 41c נפקת ק׳וכ׳ (not … סים) an order was issued by the king Pesik. R. s. 10 כבר הוצאתי קלווני׳ עליווכ׳ (corr. acc.) I have once issued a decree concerning him that they should ‘lift up his head Ib. יכולה קילוילוסיו שלך קיימתוכ׳ (read: קילווסין) thy decree may stand, and yet thy son may remain in his place (rank) uninjured. Ib. ונמצא ק׳ שלך קיימתוכ׳ (not … סים) and thus thy decree will be upheld, and high rank will be thy sons. Gen. R. s. 5 נלך ונעשה ק׳ שלהקב״ה Ar. (ed. קילוסין להקב״ה, corr. acc.) let us go and carry out the Lords command. Lam. R. to V, 5 אדריינוס … אפיק ק׳ Ar. (v. Matt. K. a. l.; differ. in ed.) Hadrian … issued a decree. Ib. to I, 5 בגין דעברת על קלוונין דידי (corr. acc.) whereas thou hast disobeyed my order. Gen. R. s. 63 אנא יהיב קילווןוכ׳ (corr. acc.) I give out an order Lev. R. s. 7 נימוס וקלוסים הואוכ׳ (corr. acc.; some ed. נ׳ ק׳ corr. acc.; Ar. נ׳ הוא וקילוסין הוא) it is a custom and a decree that he (Lam. R. introd. (R. Abbahu 2) קלבסים Ar. (ed. קלסים); Yalk. Ez. 363 קלווסי׳, v. קְלִירוֹס.

    Jewish literature > קלווסין

  • 6 קְלִוְוסִין

    קְלִוְוסִין, קְלִוְוסִיס, קִילִ׳f. (κέλευσις) command. Y.Ned.IX, end, 41c נפקת ק׳וכ׳ (not … סים) an order was issued by the king Pesik. R. s. 10 כבר הוצאתי קלווני׳ עליווכ׳ (corr. acc.) I have once issued a decree concerning him that they should ‘lift up his head Ib. יכולה קילוילוסיו שלך קיימתוכ׳ (read: קילווסין) thy decree may stand, and yet thy son may remain in his place (rank) uninjured. Ib. ונמצא ק׳ שלך קיימתוכ׳ (not … סים) and thus thy decree will be upheld, and high rank will be thy sons. Gen. R. s. 5 נלך ונעשה ק׳ שלהקב״ה Ar. (ed. קילוסין להקב״ה, corr. acc.) let us go and carry out the Lords command. Lam. R. to V, 5 אדריינוס … אפיק ק׳ Ar. (v. Matt. K. a. l.; differ. in ed.) Hadrian … issued a decree. Ib. to I, 5 בגין דעברת על קלוונין דידי (corr. acc.) whereas thou hast disobeyed my order. Gen. R. s. 63 אנא יהיב קילווןוכ׳ (corr. acc.) I give out an order Lev. R. s. 7 נימוס וקלוסים הואוכ׳ (corr. acc.; some ed. נ׳ ק׳ corr. acc.; Ar. נ׳ הוא וקילוסין הוא) it is a custom and a decree that he (Lam. R. introd. (R. Abbahu 2) קלבסים Ar. (ed. קלסים); Yalk. Ez. 363 קלווסי׳, v. קְלִירוֹס.

    Jewish literature > קְלִוְוסִין

  • 7 קְלִוְוסִיס

    קְלִוְוסִין, קְלִוְוסִיס, קִילִ׳f. (κέλευσις) command. Y.Ned.IX, end, 41c נפקת ק׳וכ׳ (not … סים) an order was issued by the king Pesik. R. s. 10 כבר הוצאתי קלווני׳ עליווכ׳ (corr. acc.) I have once issued a decree concerning him that they should ‘lift up his head Ib. יכולה קילוילוסיו שלך קיימתוכ׳ (read: קילווסין) thy decree may stand, and yet thy son may remain in his place (rank) uninjured. Ib. ונמצא ק׳ שלך קיימתוכ׳ (not … סים) and thus thy decree will be upheld, and high rank will be thy sons. Gen. R. s. 5 נלך ונעשה ק׳ שלהקב״ה Ar. (ed. קילוסין להקב״ה, corr. acc.) let us go and carry out the Lords command. Lam. R. to V, 5 אדריינוס … אפיק ק׳ Ar. (v. Matt. K. a. l.; differ. in ed.) Hadrian … issued a decree. Ib. to I, 5 בגין דעברת על קלוונין דידי (corr. acc.) whereas thou hast disobeyed my order. Gen. R. s. 63 אנא יהיב קילווןוכ׳ (corr. acc.) I give out an order Lev. R. s. 7 נימוס וקלוסים הואוכ׳ (corr. acc.; some ed. נ׳ ק׳ corr. acc.; Ar. נ׳ הוא וקילוסין הוא) it is a custom and a decree that he (Lam. R. introd. (R. Abbahu 2) קלבסים Ar. (ed. קלסים); Yalk. Ez. 363 קלווסי׳, v. קְלִירוֹס.

    Jewish literature > קְלִוְוסִיס

  • 8 קִילִ׳

    קְלִוְוסִין, קְלִוְוסִיס, קִילִ׳f. (κέλευσις) command. Y.Ned.IX, end, 41c נפקת ק׳וכ׳ (not … סים) an order was issued by the king Pesik. R. s. 10 כבר הוצאתי קלווני׳ עליווכ׳ (corr. acc.) I have once issued a decree concerning him that they should ‘lift up his head Ib. יכולה קילוילוסיו שלך קיימתוכ׳ (read: קילווסין) thy decree may stand, and yet thy son may remain in his place (rank) uninjured. Ib. ונמצא ק׳ שלך קיימתוכ׳ (not … סים) and thus thy decree will be upheld, and high rank will be thy sons. Gen. R. s. 5 נלך ונעשה ק׳ שלהקב״ה Ar. (ed. קילוסין להקב״ה, corr. acc.) let us go and carry out the Lords command. Lam. R. to V, 5 אדריינוס … אפיק ק׳ Ar. (v. Matt. K. a. l.; differ. in ed.) Hadrian … issued a decree. Ib. to I, 5 בגין דעברת על קלוונין דידי (corr. acc.) whereas thou hast disobeyed my order. Gen. R. s. 63 אנא יהיב קילווןוכ׳ (corr. acc.) I give out an order Lev. R. s. 7 נימוס וקלוסים הואוכ׳ (corr. acc.; some ed. נ׳ ק׳ corr. acc.; Ar. נ׳ הוא וקילוסין הוא) it is a custom and a decree that he (Lam. R. introd. (R. Abbahu 2) קלבסים Ar. (ed. קלסים); Yalk. Ez. 363 קלווסי׳, v. קְלִירוֹס.

    Jewish literature > קִילִ׳

  • 9 capital en obligaciones

    (n.) = debenture capital, debenture stock
    Ex. In case of debenture capital (not convertible into equity shares) of companies, the fees will be charged

    25% of the fees payable as per the above mentioned scales.

    Ex. Debenture stock of the British railroads was issued in both redeemable and irredeemable types with interest rates ranging from 2.5% to 5%.
    * * *
    (n.) = debenture capital, debenture stock

    Ex: In case of debenture capital (not convertible into equity shares) of companies, the fees will be charged \@ 25% of the fees payable as per the above mentioned scales.

    Ex: Debenture stock of the British railroads was issued in both redeemable and irredeemable types with interest rates ranging from 2.5% to 5%.

    Spanish-English dictionary > capital en obligaciones

  • 10 enviar una invitación

    (v.) = send + invitation, issue + invitation
    Ex. Invitations were sent to 1,500 children covered by 6 branch libraries, 23 turned up.
    Ex. An invitation was issued to those who had served in both public and school libraries to participate in the discussion.
    * * *
    (v.) = send + invitation, issue + invitation

    Ex: Invitations were sent to 1,500 children covered by 6 branch libraries, 23 turned up.

    Ex: An invitation was issued to those who had served in both public and school libraries to participate in the discussion.

    Spanish-English dictionary > enviar una invitación

  • 11 esposo del que se ha separado

    Ex. A ban was issued on the publication of information about the trial for manslaughter of Karla Homolka in order to ensure her estranged husband Paul Teale gets a fair trial.
    * * *

    Ex: A ban was issued on the publication of information about the trial for manslaughter of Karla Homolka in order to ensure her estranged husband Paul Teale gets a fair trial.

    Spanish-English dictionary > esposo del que se ha separado

  • 12 no amortizable

    non-amortizable, non-redeemable.
    * * *
    (adj.) = irredeemable
    Ex. Debenture stock of the British railroads was issued in both redeemable and irredeemable types with interest rates ranging from 2.5% to 5%.
    * * *
    (adj.) = irredeemable

    Ex: Debenture stock of the British railroads was issued in both redeemable and irredeemable types with interest rates ranging from 2.5% to 5%.

    Spanish-English dictionary > no amortizable

  • 13 no canjeable

    (adj.) = irredeemable
    Ex. Debenture stock of the British railroads was issued in both redeemable and irredeemable types with interest rates ranging from 2.5% to 5%.
    * * *
    (adj.) = irredeemable

    Ex: Debenture stock of the British railroads was issued in both redeemable and irredeemable types with interest rates ranging from 2.5% to 5%.

    Spanish-English dictionary > no canjeable

  • 14 participar en un debate

    (v.) = participate + discussion
    Ex. An invitation was issued to those who had served in both public and school libraries to participate in the discussion.
    * * *
    (v.) = participate + discussion

    Ex: An invitation was issued to those who had served in both public and school libraries to participate in the discussion.

    Spanish-English dictionary > participar en un debate

  • 15 Arnold, Aza

    SUBJECT AREA: Textiles
    b. 4 October 1788 Smithfield, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA
    d. 1865 Washington, DC, USA
    American textile machinist who applied the differential motion to roving frames, solving the problem of winding on the delicate cotton rovings.
    He was the son of Benjamin and Isabel Arnold, but his mother died when he was 2 years old and after his father's second marriage he was largely left to look after himself. After attending the village school he learnt the trade of a carpenter, and following this he became a machinist. He entered the employment of Samuel Slater, but left after a few years to engage in the unsuccessful manufacture of woollen blankets. He became involved in an engineering shop, where he devised a machine for taking wool off a carding machine and making it into endless slivers or rovings for spinning. He then became associated with a cotton-spinning mill, which led to his most important invention. The carded cotton sliver had to be reduced in thickness before it could be spun on the final machines such as the mule or the waterframe. The roving, as the mass of cotton fibres was called at this stage, was thin and very delicate because it could not be twisted to give strength, as this would not allow it to be drawn out again during the next stage. In order to wind the roving on to bobbins, the speed of the bobbin had to be just right but the diameter of the bobbin increased as it was filled. Obtaining the correct reduction in speed as the circumference increased was partially solved by the use of double-coned pulleys, but the driving belt was liable to slip owing to the power that had to be transmitted.
    The final solution to the problem came with the introduction of the differential drive with bevel gears or a sun-and-planet motion. Arnold had invented this compound motion in 1818 but did not think of applying it to the roving frame until 1820. It combined the direct-gearing drive from the main shaft of the machine with that from the cone-drum drive so that the latter only provided the difference between flyer and bobbin speeds, which meant that most of the transmission power was taken away from the belt. The patent for this invention was issued to Arnold on 23 January 1823 and was soon copied in Britain by Henry Houldsworth, although J.Green of Mansfield may have originated it independendy in the same year. Arnold's patent was widely infringed in America and he sued the Proprietors of the Locks and Canals, machine makers for the Lowell manufacturers, for $30,000, eventually receiving $3,500 compensation. Arnold had his own machine shop but he gave it up in 1838 and moved the Philadelphia, where he operated the Mulhausen Print Works. Around 1850 he went to Washington, DC, and became a patent attorney, remaining as such until his death. On 24 June 1856 he was granted patent for a self-setting and self-raking saw for sawing machines.
    28 June 1856, US patent no. 15,163 (self-setting and self-raking saw for sawing machines).
    Further Reading
    Dictionary of American Biography, Vol. 1.
    W.English, 1969, The Textile Industry, London (a description of the principles of the differential gear applied to the roving frame).
    D.J.Jeremy, 1981, Transatlantic Industrial Revolution. The Diffusion of Textile Technologies Between Britain and America, 1790–1830, Oxford (a discussion of the introduction and spread of Arnold's gear).

    Biographical history of technology > Arnold, Aza

  • 16 Cotton, William

    SUBJECT AREA: Textiles
    b. 1819 Seagrave, Leicestershire, England
    d. after 1878
    English inventor of a power-driven flat-bed knitting machine.
    Cotton was originally employed in Loughborough and became one of the first specialized hosiery-machine builders. After the introduction of the latch needle by Matthew Townsend in 1856, knitting frames developed rapidly. The circular frame was easier to work automatically, but attempts to apply power to the flat frame, which could produce fully fashioned work, culminated in 1863 with William Cotton's machine. In that year he invented a machine that could make a dozen or more stockings or hose simultaneously and knit fashioned garments of all kinds. The difficulty was to reduce automatically the number of stitches in the courses where the hose or garment narrowed to give it shape. Cotton had early opportunities to apply himself to the improvement of hosiery machines while employed in the patent shop of Cartwright \& Warner of Loughborough, where some of the first rotaries were made. He remained with the firm for twenty years, during which time sixty or seventy of these machines were turned out. Cotton then established a factory for the manufacture of warp fabrics, and it was here that he began to work on his ideas. He had no knowledge of the principles of engineering or drawing, so his method of making sketches and then getting his ideas roughed out involved much useless labour. After twelve years, in 1863, a patent was issued for the machine that became the basis of the Cotton's Patent type. This was a flat frame driven by rotary mechanism and remarkable for its adaptability. At first he built his machine upright, like a cottage piano, but after much thought and experimentation he conceived the idea of turning the upper part down flat so that the needles were in a vertical position instead of being horizontal, and the work was carried off horizontally instead of vertically. His first machine produced four identical pieces simultaneously, but this number was soon increased. Cotton was induced by the success of his invention to begin machine building as a separate business and thus established one of the first of a class of engineering firms that sprung up as an adjunct to the new hosiery manufacture. He employed only a dozen men and turned out six machines in the first year, entering into an agreement with Hine \& Mundella for their exclusive use. This was later extended to the firm of I. \& R.Morley. In 1878, Cotton began to build on his own account, and the business steadily increased until it employed some 200 workers and had an output of 100 machines a year.
    1863, British patent no. 1,901 (flat-frame knitting machine).
    Further Reading
    F.A.Wells, 1935, The British Hosiery and Knitwear Industry: Its History and Organisation, London (based on an article in the Knitters' Circular (Feb. 1898).
    A brief account of the background to Cotton's invention can be found in T.K.Derry and T.I. Williams, 1960, A Short History of Technology from the Earliest Times to AD 1900, Oxford; C. Singer (ed.), 1958, A History of Technology, Vol. V, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    F.Moy Thomas, 1900, I. \& R.Morley. A Record of a Hundred Years, London (mentions cotton's first machines).

    Biographical history of technology > Cotton, William

  • 17 Lind, James

    SUBJECT AREA: Medical technology
    b. 1716 Edinburgh, Scotland
    d. 13 July 1794 Gosport, England
    Scottish physician and naval surgeon whose studies and investigations led to significant improvements in the living conditions on board ships; the author of the first treatise on the nature and prevention of scurvy.
    Lind was registered in 1731 as an apprentice at the College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. By 1739 he was serving as a naval surgeon in the Mediterranean and during the ensuing decade he experienced conditions at sea off Guinea, the West Indies and in home waters. He returned to Edinburgh, taking his MD in 1748, and in 1750 was elected a Fellow of the College of Physicians of Edinburgh, becoming the Treasurer in 1757. In 1758 he was appointed Physician to the Naval Hospital at Haslar, Gosport, near Portsmouth, a post which he retained until his death.
    He had been particularly struck by the devastating consequences of scurvy during Anson's circumnavigation of the globe in 1740. At least 75 per cent of the crews had been affected (though it should be borne in mind that a considerable number of them were pensioners and invalids when posted aboard). Coupled with his own experiences, this led to the publication of A Treatise on the Scurvy, in 1754. Demonstrating that this condition accounted for many more deaths than from all the engagements with the French and Spanish in the current wars, he made it clear that by appropriate measures of diet and hygiene the disease could be entirely eliminated.
    Further editions of the treatise were published in 1757 and 1775, and the immense importance of his observations was immediately recognized. None the less, it was not until 1795 that an Admiralty order was issued on the supply of lime juice to ships. The efficacy of lime juice had been known for centuries, but it was Lind's observations that led to action, however tardy; that for economic reasons the relatively ineffective West Indian lime juice was supplied was in no way his responsibility. It is of interest that there is no evidence that Captain James Cook (1728–79) had any knowledge of Lind's work when arranging his own anti-scorbutic precautions in preparation for his historic first voyage.
    Lind's other work included observations on typhus, the proper ventilation of ships at sea, and the distilation of fresh from salt water.
    1754, A Treatise on the Scurvy, Edinburgh.
    1757, An Essay on the most effectual means of Preserving the Health of Seamen in the Royal Navy, Edinburgh.
    Further Reading
    L.Roddis, 1951, James Lind—Founder of Nautical Medicine. Records of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Records of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.

    Biographical history of technology > Lind, James

  • 18 difundir

    1 to spread (noticia, doctrina, epidemia).
    2 to spread out, to broadcast, to blaze abroad, to diffuse.
    La prensa difunde las noticias The press spreads out the news.
    El cono difundía energía The cone diffused energy.
    * * *
    1 (luz, calor) to diffuse
    2 figurado (noticia, enfermedad) to spread
    3 RADIO TELEVISIÓN to broadcast
    1 (luz, calor) to be diffused
    2 figurado (noticia, enfermedad) to spread
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=extender) [+ calor, luz] to diffuse; [+ gas] to give off
    2) (=propagar) [+ programa, imagen] to broadcast, transmit; [+ teoría, ideología] to spread, disseminate
    * * *
    verbo transitivo <noticia/rumor> to spread; <ideas/doctrina> to spread, disseminate; < comunicado> to issue
    * * *
    = disseminate, promulgate, publicise [publicize, -USA], report, diffuse, propagate out to, cascade, propagate, bruit, trumpet.
    Ex. The UKLDS or the UK Library Database System is a proposal from the Cooperative Automation Group (CAG) which was first disseminated in a discussion paper published in 1982.
    Ex. This practice has been adopted by a number of national cataloguing codes promulgated since that time.
    Ex. A variety of extension activities, such as book clubs, competitions and quizzes also help to publicize the stock and the work of the library.
    Ex. Criticism is not appropriate in a style which aims to report, but not comment upon the content of the original document.
    Ex. As everywhere, research in library and information science in Australia is diffused over the myriad topics that make up the field.
    Ex. We must develop and study intelligent interfaces that propagate out to the information universe and report back to us.
    Ex. This project is designed to provide a network of practising librarians with a programme in educational methods and skills which can then be disseminated, or ' cascaded', to a wider network of professional colleagues.
    Ex. The update, once started, propagates through the database, respecting local integrity rules for each affected object.
    Ex. Among many observations in this widely bruited report, one in particular struck home: fewer books had been translated into Arabic in a millennium than were translated into Spanish in a year.
    Ex. Just weeks after trumpeting the results of a military offensive, the Pakistan army suddenly finds itself under attack on multiple fronts.
    * difundir buena imagen de = earn + credit for.
    * difundir el conocimiento = spread + knowledge.
    * difundir el evangelio = spread + the gospel.
    * difundir información = hand out + information.
    * difundir la imagen = spread + the good word, pass on + the good word.
    * difundir la noticia = spread + the word, spread + the good word, pass on + the good word, spread + the news.
    * difundir mentiras = spread + lies.
    * difundir noticias = broadcast + news.
    * difundirse = find + Posesivo + way, percolate.
    * difundir una idea = spread + view, spread + an idea, circulate + Posesivo + idea.
    * difundir un rumor = spread + rumour.
    * noticias + difundirse = news + spread.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo <noticia/rumor> to spread; <ideas/doctrina> to spread, disseminate; < comunicado> to issue
    * * *
    = disseminate, promulgate, publicise [publicize, -USA], report, diffuse, propagate out to, cascade, propagate, bruit, trumpet.

    Ex: The UKLDS or the UK Library Database System is a proposal from the Cooperative Automation Group (CAG) which was first disseminated in a discussion paper published in 1982.

    Ex: This practice has been adopted by a number of national cataloguing codes promulgated since that time.
    Ex: A variety of extension activities, such as book clubs, competitions and quizzes also help to publicize the stock and the work of the library.
    Ex: Criticism is not appropriate in a style which aims to report, but not comment upon the content of the original document.
    Ex: As everywhere, research in library and information science in Australia is diffused over the myriad topics that make up the field.
    Ex: We must develop and study intelligent interfaces that propagate out to the information universe and report back to us.
    Ex: This project is designed to provide a network of practising librarians with a programme in educational methods and skills which can then be disseminated, or ' cascaded', to a wider network of professional colleagues.
    Ex: The update, once started, propagates through the database, respecting local integrity rules for each affected object.
    Ex: Among many observations in this widely bruited report, one in particular struck home: fewer books had been translated into Arabic in a millennium than were translated into Spanish in a year.
    Ex: Just weeks after trumpeting the results of a military offensive, the Pakistan army suddenly finds itself under attack on multiple fronts.
    * difundir buena imagen de = earn + credit for.
    * difundir el conocimiento = spread + knowledge.
    * difundir el evangelio = spread + the gospel.
    * difundir información = hand out + information.
    * difundir la imagen = spread + the good word, pass on + the good word.
    * difundir la noticia = spread + the word, spread + the good word, pass on + the good word, spread + the news.
    * difundir mentiras = spread + lies.
    * difundir noticias = broadcast + news.
    * difundirse = find + Posesivo + way, percolate.
    * difundir una idea = spread + view, spread + an idea, circulate + Posesivo + idea.
    * difundir un rumor = spread + rumour.
    * noticias + difundirse = news + spread.

    * * *
    difundir [I1 ]
    ‹noticia/rumor› to spread; ‹ideas/doctrina› to spread, diffuse, disseminate
    difundían el temor entre la población they were spreading fear among the population
    se difundió un comunicado desmintiendo el rumor a communiqué was issued denying the rumor
    la noticia fue difundida por la radio the news was broadcast on the radio
    una institución que se encarga de difundir la cultura an institution responsible for disseminating culture
    son creencias difundidas en esta región such beliefs are widespread in this area
    la lámpara difundía una luz tenue the lamp gave off a dim light
    * * *


    difundir ( conjugate difundir) verbo transitivonoticia/rumor to spread;
    ideas/doctrina to spread, disseminate;
    cultura to disseminate;
    comunicado to issue;
    ( por radio) to disseminate;

    difundir vtr, difundirse verbo reflexivo to spread

    ' difundir' also found in these entries:
    - sembrar
    bandy about
    - broadcast
    - diffuse
    - propagate
    - radiate
    - spread
    * * *
    1. [divulgar] [noticia, pánico, religión] to spread;
    [comunicado, informe] to publish; [cultura, costumbres] to spread, to diffuse
    2. [sujeto: emisora radiofónica, canal televisivo] to broadcast;
    una cadena argentina difundió las imágenes an Argentinian channel broadcast the pictures
    3. [extender] [epidemia, olor] to spread;
    [sonido, ondas] to diffuse, to propagate;
    la estufa difunde muy bien el calor the stove heats the place up well
    * * *
    1 spread
    2 programa broadcast
    * * *
    1) : to diffuse, to spread out
    2) : to broadcast, to spread
    * * *
    1. (en general) to spread [pt. & pp. spread]
    2. (radio, televisión) to broadcast [pt. & pp. broadcast]

    Spanish-English dictionary > difundir

  • 19 יצא

    יָצָא(b. h.) 1) to go forth; to rise (of the sun); to go out. Gen. R. s. 39 אֵצֵא ויהיווכ׳ I shall leave (my fathers house), and they may desecrate Ib. י׳ לו מוניטון a medal was issued in his memory, v. מוֹנִיטוֹן. Ib. s. 6 בשעה שהוא יוצא when he (the sun) rises; בשעה שהיא יוֹצֵאת when she (the moon) rises. Snh.52a ארור שיָצָאת זו מחלציו (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) cursed is he from whose loins this woman went forth.Sabb.V, 1 במה … יוֹצְאָה what is an animal permitted to wear on going out (on the Sabbath)? Ib. VI, 1 לא תֵצֵאוכ׳ a woman must not wear on going out ; a. v. fr. 2) to end; to go to the end of, to live through. Y.Ber.VIII, 12b bot. כיון שיָצָת שבת when the Sabbath ended. Y.Shebi.VI, 36c top אינו יוצא שבתו ולא יָ׳וכ׳ he shall not live to the end of this week, and he did not arrive at the end of the week before he was dead; (Erub.63a הוציא שנתו, v. infra); a. e. 3) to be expended. Num. R. s. 14, end, v. הוֹצָאָה. 4) to be excluded; exempt; (rarely) to exclude, deduct. Y.Ned.II, beg.37b י׳ דבר של איסור this is to exclude a vow concerning a forbidden act; Bab. ib. 17a י׳ נשבע לבטלוכ׳ this excludes the case of one who makes oath that he will disregard a law. Y.Yeb.I, 2c top אשר תלד יָצְתָה זווכ׳ ‘whom she may bear (Deut. 25:6), herewith is excluded she (the אַיְילוֹנִית) who ; a. v. fr.Y. Ḥag.I, 76c top צֵא מהם שני ימים deduct from them two days; ib. צא שבת מהם deduct the Sabbath day.Esp. idiomatic uses: a) י׳ בן חורין, י׳ לחירות, or only י׳ to be freed. Peah III, 8; Gitt.42a. Kidd.24a יוצאבשןוכ׳ he is freed, when his master caused his loss of a tooth or an eye; a. v. fr.b) (of a wife) to be sent away, to be divorced. Keth.VII, 6 ואלו יוֹצְאוֹת שלא בכתובה the following wives have to leave without receiving their Kthubah. Ib. 7 תֵּצֵא̇ she must leave. Ib. X, 5; a. v. fr.c) י׳ ידי (or מִידֵי) to go out of the power of; to be released; to do justice to, be justified before. Shek. III, 2 לפי שאדם צריך לָצֵאת ידי הבריות … לָצֵאת ידי המקום because man must appear justified before men as well as before God; Ex. R. s. 51; a. fr.י׳ ידי חובתו, or י׳ to comply with the requirements of the law. Ber.8b. Ib. II, 1 אם כיון לבו י׳ if he read with attention, he has done his duty (which requires the reading of the Shma). Y.Shek.III, 47b bot. מהו לצאתוכ׳ is the law complied with when one uses wine ?Mekh. Bo, Pisḥa, s.6; a. v. fr.Gen. R. s. 39 לא יָצָאתָה ידי השבועה thou hast not redeemed thy oath; ib. s. 49; Lev. R. s. 10, beg.Makhsh. VI, 5; Tosef.Toh.X, 3 י׳ מידי שמן, v. מוֹחַלי׳ מידי פשוטו, v. מִקְרָא.d) י׳ מן הכלל or י׳ to be taken out of the general rule, to be specified (although being implied in the general rule). Sifra, introd. כל דבר שהיה בכלל וי׳ … לא ללמד על עצמו י׳וכ׳ whatever would have been implied in the general law and yet is specified again (in the Biblical text) in order to teach (something not mentioned before), has been specified not only to teach something new concerning the specific case, but to teach it concerning the whole class. Ib. י׳ לטעון, v. טָעַן I. Tem.I, 6 ולמה י׳ and for what purpose are tithes especially mentioned (Lev. 27:30, sq.)?; a. fr.e) כַּיּוֹצֵא ב־ like that which passes with it (in the same class), similar; in a similar way. Pes.III, 2 אם יש כי׳ בו שהחמיץ if there is a similar dough (started simultaneously with the one in question) which has begun to ferment. Ber.59b, sq. ואין לו כי׳ בו when he has no house like it; כי׳ בהם garments like them. Zeb.V, 6 המורם מהם כי׳ בהם what is taken of them for the priest, is like them (subject to the same laws). M. Kat. 16b כי׳ בדבר אתה אומרוכ׳ in a similar way (as something coming under the same category) yon read Sifré Num. 32; a. v. fr.f) י׳ שכרו בהפסדו its benefit is lost in its disadvantage; i. e. benefit and disadvantage are counterbalanced. Ab. V, 11, sq.g) (euphem.) to retire for human needs (v. Toh. X, 2). Ber.62a השכם וצֵאוכ׳ go out early in the morning Ex. R. s. 9 ואינו יוצא לנקביו and has no human needs. Ib. לא היה יוצא אלאוכ׳ he used to go out only to the water (to make believe he was a superhuman being); a. fr.h) to be proved, identified. Keth.II, 3 היה כתב ידם יוצא ממקום אחר if their signature can be identified otherwise (than by their own declaration); a. e. Hif. הוֹצִיא 1) to take out, to lead forth, bring forth; to release, discharge, send off. Ber.VI, I before eating bread one says, המוֹצִיא לחםוכ׳ (blessed be thou, O Lord) who hast brought forth bread out of the earth (v. ib. 38a as to המוציא or מוציא); ib. 37b; a. fr.Ab. Zar.41b, a. fr.; אין ספק מוציאוכ׳, v. וַדַּאי. B. Mets.37b לא זו הדרך מוֹצִיאָתוֹ מידי עבירה עדוכ׳ this is not the way that relieves him from sin (this is no full atonement), (he is not relieved) until he pays ; Yeb.XV, 7. Ib. 6, sq. אין זו דרך מוֹצִיאָתָהּוכ׳ she is not relieved from the possibility of sin, unless she is not permitted to marry again and forbidden to partake of Trumah.Ib. 36b יוֹצִיא (יוֹצִיאָהּ) בגט he dismisses her with a letter of divorce. Ib. ואם נשא יוציא and if he married her (against the law), he must dismiss her (divorce her); a. fr.Ab. II, 11, a. fr. מוֹצִיאִין את האדם מן העולם take a man out of the world, i. e. cause him to lose the true enjoyment of life. 2) to exclude. Y.Yeb.I, 2c top איילונית מטעם אחר הוֹצֵאתָהּ the aylonith thou dost (the law does) exclude for another reason (v. supra). Num. R. s. 14, end אוֹצִיא את ישראל let me exclude the Israelites, א׳ את הזקנים the elders; a. fr.להוֹצִיא (= ch. לאפוקי, v. אַפֵּק, or למעוטי, v. מעט) to the exclusion of. Succ.28a; Kidd.34a האזרח לה׳ את הנשים the native (Lev. 23:42) intimates the exemption of women (from the duty of dwelling in booths); a. v. fr. 3) to lead to the end, to live through. Erub.63a, v. supra. 4) to produce, present. Keth.XIII, 8 המוציא שטר חוב … והלהה׳וכ׳ if one produces a note of indebtedness against his neighbor, and the latter produces evidence that the claimant sold him a field (and paid him, which he would not have done, if he had a claim). Ib. 9. Ib. IX, 9 הוֹצִיאָה גט if she produces a letter of divorce; a. v. fr. 5) to spend, lay out. Ib. VIII, 5, v. הוֹצָאָה; a. fr.Esp. idiomatic uses: a) ה׳ ידי חוב־ or ה׳ (v. supra) to be the instrument of a persons complying with the law, e. g. to read a prayer and thus cause the listener to perform his duty as though he read it himself; to act in anothers behalf effectively. R. Hash. III, 5 אין מוֹצִיאִין את הרבים ידי חובתן they cannot act (blow the Shofar) in behalf of the assembled congregation. Ib. 29a אע״פ שיצא מוציא although he has done his duty (has read the prayer for himself), he may act in behalf of others. Ib. ולעצמו מוציא and can he (the half-slave and half-freedman) act in his own behalf?; a. fr.b) to collect, to claim. Keth.VIII, 1 הבעל מוציא מיד הלקוחות the husband can reclaim the property from those who bought it. B. Kam. III, 11 המוציא מחבירו עליו הראייה the claimant must produce evidence; a. v. fr.c) to utter. Arakh.5a, a. fr. אין אדם מוציא דבריו לבטלה no man utters his words for no purpose (he must have meant something).ה׳ לעז to slander, discredit. Sabb.97a, a. fr., v. לַעַז.d) to carry an object (on the Sabbath) out of a private to a public place, or from one private place to another, v. רָשוּת. Sabb.VII, 2, sq.; a. fr.e) to secrete. Sifré Num. 88 יש לך … שאין מוציאוכ׳ is there a woman-born being that does not discharge the food he eats?; a. e.f) ה׳ שבת to dismiss the Sabbath with prayer, opp. הכניס. Sabb.118b מוֹצִיאֵי שבתוכ׳ those who dismiss the Sabbath at Sepphoris.

    Jewish literature > יצא

  • 20 יָצָא

    יָצָא(b. h.) 1) to go forth; to rise (of the sun); to go out. Gen. R. s. 39 אֵצֵא ויהיווכ׳ I shall leave (my fathers house), and they may desecrate Ib. י׳ לו מוניטון a medal was issued in his memory, v. מוֹנִיטוֹן. Ib. s. 6 בשעה שהוא יוצא when he (the sun) rises; בשעה שהיא יוֹצֵאת when she (the moon) rises. Snh.52a ארור שיָצָאת זו מחלציו (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) cursed is he from whose loins this woman went forth.Sabb.V, 1 במה … יוֹצְאָה what is an animal permitted to wear on going out (on the Sabbath)? Ib. VI, 1 לא תֵצֵאוכ׳ a woman must not wear on going out ; a. v. fr. 2) to end; to go to the end of, to live through. Y.Ber.VIII, 12b bot. כיון שיָצָת שבת when the Sabbath ended. Y.Shebi.VI, 36c top אינו יוצא שבתו ולא יָ׳וכ׳ he shall not live to the end of this week, and he did not arrive at the end of the week before he was dead; (Erub.63a הוציא שנתו, v. infra); a. e. 3) to be expended. Num. R. s. 14, end, v. הוֹצָאָה. 4) to be excluded; exempt; (rarely) to exclude, deduct. Y.Ned.II, beg.37b י׳ דבר של איסור this is to exclude a vow concerning a forbidden act; Bab. ib. 17a י׳ נשבע לבטלוכ׳ this excludes the case of one who makes oath that he will disregard a law. Y.Yeb.I, 2c top אשר תלד יָצְתָה זווכ׳ ‘whom she may bear (Deut. 25:6), herewith is excluded she (the אַיְילוֹנִית) who ; a. v. fr.Y. Ḥag.I, 76c top צֵא מהם שני ימים deduct from them two days; ib. צא שבת מהם deduct the Sabbath day.Esp. idiomatic uses: a) י׳ בן חורין, י׳ לחירות, or only י׳ to be freed. Peah III, 8; Gitt.42a. Kidd.24a יוצאבשןוכ׳ he is freed, when his master caused his loss of a tooth or an eye; a. v. fr.b) (of a wife) to be sent away, to be divorced. Keth.VII, 6 ואלו יוֹצְאוֹת שלא בכתובה the following wives have to leave without receiving their Kthubah. Ib. 7 תֵּצֵא̇ she must leave. Ib. X, 5; a. v. fr.c) י׳ ידי (or מִידֵי) to go out of the power of; to be released; to do justice to, be justified before. Shek. III, 2 לפי שאדם צריך לָצֵאת ידי הבריות … לָצֵאת ידי המקום because man must appear justified before men as well as before God; Ex. R. s. 51; a. fr.י׳ ידי חובתו, or י׳ to comply with the requirements of the law. Ber.8b. Ib. II, 1 אם כיון לבו י׳ if he read with attention, he has done his duty (which requires the reading of the Shma). Y.Shek.III, 47b bot. מהו לצאתוכ׳ is the law complied with when one uses wine ?Mekh. Bo, Pisḥa, s.6; a. v. fr.Gen. R. s. 39 לא יָצָאתָה ידי השבועה thou hast not redeemed thy oath; ib. s. 49; Lev. R. s. 10, beg.Makhsh. VI, 5; Tosef.Toh.X, 3 י׳ מידי שמן, v. מוֹחַלי׳ מידי פשוטו, v. מִקְרָא.d) י׳ מן הכלל or י׳ to be taken out of the general rule, to be specified (although being implied in the general rule). Sifra, introd. כל דבר שהיה בכלל וי׳ … לא ללמד על עצמו י׳וכ׳ whatever would have been implied in the general law and yet is specified again (in the Biblical text) in order to teach (something not mentioned before), has been specified not only to teach something new concerning the specific case, but to teach it concerning the whole class. Ib. י׳ לטעון, v. טָעַן I. Tem.I, 6 ולמה י׳ and for what purpose are tithes especially mentioned (Lev. 27:30, sq.)?; a. fr.e) כַּיּוֹצֵא ב־ like that which passes with it (in the same class), similar; in a similar way. Pes.III, 2 אם יש כי׳ בו שהחמיץ if there is a similar dough (started simultaneously with the one in question) which has begun to ferment. Ber.59b, sq. ואין לו כי׳ בו when he has no house like it; כי׳ בהם garments like them. Zeb.V, 6 המורם מהם כי׳ בהם what is taken of them for the priest, is like them (subject to the same laws). M. Kat. 16b כי׳ בדבר אתה אומרוכ׳ in a similar way (as something coming under the same category) yon read Sifré Num. 32; a. v. fr.f) י׳ שכרו בהפסדו its benefit is lost in its disadvantage; i. e. benefit and disadvantage are counterbalanced. Ab. V, 11, sq.g) (euphem.) to retire for human needs (v. Toh. X, 2). Ber.62a השכם וצֵאוכ׳ go out early in the morning Ex. R. s. 9 ואינו יוצא לנקביו and has no human needs. Ib. לא היה יוצא אלאוכ׳ he used to go out only to the water (to make believe he was a superhuman being); a. fr.h) to be proved, identified. Keth.II, 3 היה כתב ידם יוצא ממקום אחר if their signature can be identified otherwise (than by their own declaration); a. e. Hif. הוֹצִיא 1) to take out, to lead forth, bring forth; to release, discharge, send off. Ber.VI, I before eating bread one says, המוֹצִיא לחםוכ׳ (blessed be thou, O Lord) who hast brought forth bread out of the earth (v. ib. 38a as to המוציא or מוציא); ib. 37b; a. fr.Ab. Zar.41b, a. fr.; אין ספק מוציאוכ׳, v. וַדַּאי. B. Mets.37b לא זו הדרך מוֹצִיאָתוֹ מידי עבירה עדוכ׳ this is not the way that relieves him from sin (this is no full atonement), (he is not relieved) until he pays ; Yeb.XV, 7. Ib. 6, sq. אין זו דרך מוֹצִיאָתָהּוכ׳ she is not relieved from the possibility of sin, unless she is not permitted to marry again and forbidden to partake of Trumah.Ib. 36b יוֹצִיא (יוֹצִיאָהּ) בגט he dismisses her with a letter of divorce. Ib. ואם נשא יוציא and if he married her (against the law), he must dismiss her (divorce her); a. fr.Ab. II, 11, a. fr. מוֹצִיאִין את האדם מן העולם take a man out of the world, i. e. cause him to lose the true enjoyment of life. 2) to exclude. Y.Yeb.I, 2c top איילונית מטעם אחר הוֹצֵאתָהּ the aylonith thou dost (the law does) exclude for another reason (v. supra). Num. R. s. 14, end אוֹצִיא את ישראל let me exclude the Israelites, א׳ את הזקנים the elders; a. fr.להוֹצִיא (= ch. לאפוקי, v. אַפֵּק, or למעוטי, v. מעט) to the exclusion of. Succ.28a; Kidd.34a האזרח לה׳ את הנשים the native (Lev. 23:42) intimates the exemption of women (from the duty of dwelling in booths); a. v. fr. 3) to lead to the end, to live through. Erub.63a, v. supra. 4) to produce, present. Keth.XIII, 8 המוציא שטר חוב … והלהה׳וכ׳ if one produces a note of indebtedness against his neighbor, and the latter produces evidence that the claimant sold him a field (and paid him, which he would not have done, if he had a claim). Ib. 9. Ib. IX, 9 הוֹצִיאָה גט if she produces a letter of divorce; a. v. fr. 5) to spend, lay out. Ib. VIII, 5, v. הוֹצָאָה; a. fr.Esp. idiomatic uses: a) ה׳ ידי חוב־ or ה׳ (v. supra) to be the instrument of a persons complying with the law, e. g. to read a prayer and thus cause the listener to perform his duty as though he read it himself; to act in anothers behalf effectively. R. Hash. III, 5 אין מוֹצִיאִין את הרבים ידי חובתן they cannot act (blow the Shofar) in behalf of the assembled congregation. Ib. 29a אע״פ שיצא מוציא although he has done his duty (has read the prayer for himself), he may act in behalf of others. Ib. ולעצמו מוציא and can he (the half-slave and half-freedman) act in his own behalf?; a. fr.b) to collect, to claim. Keth.VIII, 1 הבעל מוציא מיד הלקוחות the husband can reclaim the property from those who bought it. B. Kam. III, 11 המוציא מחבירו עליו הראייה the claimant must produce evidence; a. v. fr.c) to utter. Arakh.5a, a. fr. אין אדם מוציא דבריו לבטלה no man utters his words for no purpose (he must have meant something).ה׳ לעז to slander, discredit. Sabb.97a, a. fr., v. לַעַז.d) to carry an object (on the Sabbath) out of a private to a public place, or from one private place to another, v. רָשוּת. Sabb.VII, 2, sq.; a. fr.e) to secrete. Sifré Num. 88 יש לך … שאין מוציאוכ׳ is there a woman-born being that does not discharge the food he eats?; a. e.f) ה׳ שבת to dismiss the Sabbath with prayer, opp. הכניס. Sabb.118b מוֹצִיאֵי שבתוכ׳ those who dismiss the Sabbath at Sepphoris.

    Jewish literature > יָצָא

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  • Japanese government-issued Philippine fiat peso — Peso (English), (Tagalog), (Spanish) …   Wikipedia

  • The Law that Never Was — The Law That Never Was: The Fraud of the 16th Amendment and Personal Income Tax is a 1985 book by William J. Benson and Martin J. Red Beckman, which claims that the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution commonly known as the… …   Wikipedia

  • She Was Only a Grocer's Daughter — Infobox Album Name = She Was Only a Grocer s Daughter Type = studio Artist = The Blow Monkeys Released = 1987 Recorded = Genre = Pop rock / New wave Length = 50:48 (LP) / 64:13 (CD) Label = RCA/Ariola (1987); BMG/Camden (2002) Producer = Michael… …   Wikipedia

  • He Was Really Sayin' Somethin' — Infobox Single Name = Really Saying Something Artist = Bananarama with Fun Boy Three from Album = Deep Sea Skiving B side = Give Us Back Our Cheap Fares Released = April 1982 Format = 7 single, 12 single Recorded = November 1981 Genre = Pop/New… …   Wikipedia

  • I Was Right and You Were Wrong — Infobox Single Name = I Was Right and You Were Wrong Caption = Cover of 7 single Artist = Deacon Blue from Album = Our Town The Greatest Hits B side = Mexico Rain Goin Back Released = March 14 1994 Format = 7 , Cassette, CD, Special Edition CD… …   Wikipedia

  • Japanese government-issued dollar in Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei — The Japanese government issued dollar was a form of currency issued by Imperial Japan during the Japanese occupation of Singapore, Malaya, North Borneo and Sarawak and Brunei between 1942 and 1945. The currency was also referred informally as… …   Wikipedia

  • List of war apology statements issued by Japan — 1960s= * 22 June 1965. Minister of Foreign Affairs Shiina Etsusaburo. In our two countries long history there have been unfortunate times, it is truly regretable and we are deeply remorseful (Signing of the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan …   Wikipedia

  • List of entities that have issued postage stamps (F - L) — ;See also : List of entities that have issued postage stamps (A E): List of entities that have issued postage stamps (M Z)IntroductionThis is a list of entities that have issued postage stamps at some point since stamps were introduced in 1840.… …   Wikipedia

  • List of entities that have issued postage stamps (A - E) — ;See also : List of entities that have issued postage stamps (F L): List of entities that have issued postage stamps (M Z)IntroductionThis is a list of entities that have issued postage stamps at some point since stamps were introduced in 1840.… …   Wikipedia

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